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Version: 1.3

Create a tenant sharing

Create a share server and share its volumes using NFS/CIFS with others VM on the same network


  • upload manila-service-image-master.qcow2 to /var/support or usb drive
  • import with cli fs_import
    controller> image
    controller:image> fs_import
    1: usb
    2: local
    Enter index: 2
    1: manila-service-image-master.qcow2

Create a Share network



Create a Share - tenant share type


  • Create a share protocol NFS or cifs
  • Share Size = 10GB
  • Share Type = tenant_share_type
  • Share network = share_network


Create a Rules

Click on the dropdown button from Actions and select manage rules


add rule


Enter the IP address of VM


Rule created




Mount the share on VM

ssh to your instances

ssh [email protected]
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
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System information as of Mon Apr 6 05:59:38 UTC 2020

System load: 0.0 Processes: 87
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0 packages can be updated.
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[optional-ubuntu] install nfs-common

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ sudo apt install nfs-common -y

create a folder

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ mkdir nfs-share

mount up

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ sudo mount -t nfs nfs-share/

check connectivity

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ ls nfs-share
ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ touch nfs-share/testing
ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ ls nfs-share/
lost+found testing