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Version: 1.3

Compute node HA configuration

Get started

This configuration apply to role:

  • compute

Setting Roles

Please use the Virtual hostname and Virtual IP address on the controller

  • Specify controller controller: controller
  • Specify controller IP:
- Change Role -
Select a role:
1: control
2: network
3: compute
4: storage
5: control-network
6: control-converged
Enter index: 3
Specify controller controller: controller
Specify controller IP:
Specify external IP/domain [optional]:
Specify management interface: IF.1
Specify provider interface [optional]: IF.1
Specify overlay interface: IF.1
Specify storage interface [frontend(,backend)]: IF.1
Specify region ("RegionOne"):
Specify cluster secret seed: bigstack

-- Cube Role --
Current role: compute
Current Controller: controller(
Current External IP/Domain: N/A
Current Management: IF.1
Current Provider: IF.1
Current Overlay: IF.1
Current Storage: IF.1
Current Domain/Region: default/RegionOne
Current Cube Secret Seed: bigstack
1: Change role
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

Setting HA

-- Cube High Availability --
Current HA setting: disabled
1: Change HA
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Change HA -
High Availabile Cube:
1: Yes
2: No
Enter index: 1
Specify control group hostname [HOST,HOST,...]: control01,control02,control03
Specify control group address [IP,IP,...]:,,

-- Cube High Availability --
Current HA setting: enabled
Current Control Group:
1: Change HA
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n


Password has not been modified.
Host name: compute01
Default interface.
IPv4 Mode: Manual
IPv4 Address:
IPv4 Netmask:
IPv4 Gateway:
IPv6 Mode: Automatic
Interface disabled
Interface disabled
Interface disabled
DNS server 1:
Time Zone: America/New_York
Date: 08/05/2020
Time: 03:55:18
Role: compute
Controller: controller(
External IP/Domain: N/A
Management: IF.1
Provider: IF.1
Overlay: IF.1
Storage: IF.1
Domain/Region: default/RegionOne
Cube Secret Seed: bigstack
High Availability: enabled
Control Group:

1: Accept the configuration
2: Cancel the configuration
3: Modify the configuration