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Version: 2.0

Storage node Replacement Guide

Remove Storage node from cluster#

Make sure your storage data replication either 2 or 3.

Connect to controller#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '192.168.1.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Check the storage status#

control01> storagecontrol01:storage> status  cluster:    id:     c6e64c49-09cf-463b-9d1c-b6645b4b3b85    health: HEALTH_OK
  services:    mon: 3 daemons, quorum control01,control02,control03    mgr: control01(active), standbys: control02, control03    mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up  {0=control01=up:active}, 2 up:standby    osd: 24 osds: 24 up, 24 in    rgw: 3 daemons active
  data:    pools:   23 pools, 1837 pgs    objects: 10.50k objects, 12.7GiB    usage:   31.3GiB used, 3.74TiB / 3.77TiB avail    pgs:     1837 active+clean
  io:    client:   15.5KiB/s rd, 0B/s wr, 15op/s rd, 10op/s wr
+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| id |    host   |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   state   |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| 0  | control01 | 2063M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    2   |    61   | exists,up || 1  | control01 | 2020M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    1   |    36   | exists,up || 2  | control01 | 1089M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 3  | control01 | 1081M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 4  | control02 | 1656M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 5  | control02 | 2073M |  116G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 6  | control02 | 1089M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 7  | control02 | 1089M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    4   |     0   | exists,up || 8  | control03 | 1781M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 9  | control03 | 1961M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    7   |   157   | exists,up || 10 | control03 | 1089M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 11 | control03 | 1089M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 12 | compute01 | 1462M | 56.5G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 13 | compute01 | 1400M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 14 | compute01 | 1334M | 56.7G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     6   | exists,up || 15 | compute01 | 1426M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 16 | compute01 | 1101M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |    19   | exists,up || 17 | compute01 | 1089M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 18 | storage01 | 1040M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 19 | storage01 | 1040M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 20 | storage01 | 1040M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 21 | storage01 | 1048M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 22 | storage01 | 1081M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 23 | storage01 | 1105M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+

Remove node#

Removing storage01 from the cluster

control01:cluster> remove_node1: compute012: storage013: control014: control035: control02Enter index: 2this command is only applicable for compute or storage nodesmake sure its running instances have been properly terminated or migratedshutdown the target host before proceedingEnter 'YES' to confirm: YEScontrol01:cluster>

Check the storage status#

storage01 node has been removed from the cluster

control01> storagecontrol01:storage> status  cluster:    id:     c6e64c49-09cf-463b-9d1c-b6645b4b3b85    health: HEALTH_WARN            Reduced data availability: 2 pgs inactive            Degraded data redundancy: 139/21222 objects degraded (0.655%), 10 pgs degraded
  services:    mon: 3 daemons, quorum control01,control02,control03    mgr: control01(active), standbys: control02, control03    mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up  {0=control01=up:active}, 2 up:standby    osd: 18 osds: 18 up, 18 in; 510 remapped pgs    rgw: 3 daemons active
  data:    pools:   23 pools, 1837 pgs    objects: 10.50k objects, 12.7GiB    usage:   25.4GiB used, 2.61TiB / 2.63TiB avail    pgs:     10.670% pgs unknown             0.435% pgs not active             139/21222 objects degraded (0.655%)             1406 active+clean             214  active+clean+remapped             196  unknown             9    active+recovery_wait+degraded             5    activating+remapped             3    activating             3    active+undersized             1    active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling
  io:    client:   13.1KiB/s rd, 0B/s wr, 13op/s rd, 9op/s wr    recovery: 1.11MiB/s, 4objects/s
+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| id |    host   |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   state   |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| 0  | control01 | 2060M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 1  | control01 | 2025M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 2  | control01 | 1093M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 3  | control01 | 1086M |  135G |   10   |     0   |    5   |    69   | exists,up || 4  | control02 | 1668M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 5  | control02 | 2086M |  116G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 6  | control02 | 1093M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 7  | control02 | 1094M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    4   |     0   | exists,up || 8  | control03 | 1785M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 9  | control03 | 1957M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 10 | control03 | 1093M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 11 | control03 | 1094M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 12 | compute01 | 1463M | 56.5G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 13 | compute01 | 1402M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 14 | compute01 | 1336M | 56.7G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 15 | compute01 | 1427M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 16 | compute01 | 1106M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 17 | compute01 | 1094M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+

Check repair make sure services are ok#

control01> clustercontrol01:cluster> check_repair          Service  Status  Report      ClusterLink      ok  [ link(v) ]  ClusterSettings      ok  [ etcd(v) ]        HaCluster      ok  [ hacluster(v) ]         MsgQueue  FIXING  [ rabbitmq(2) ]Creating user "openstack" ...Setting permissions for user "openstack" in vhost "/" ...                       ok  [ rabbitmq(f) ]           IaasDb      ok  [ mysql(v) ]        VirtualIp      ok  [ vip(v) haproxy_ha(v) ]          Storage      ok  [ ceph(v) ceph_mon(v) ceph_mgr(v) ceph_mds(v) ceph_osd(v) ceph_rgw(v) ]       ApiService      ok  [ haproxy(v) apache2(v) lmi(v) memcache(v) ]          Compute      ok  [ nova(v) ]          Network      ok  [ neutron(v) ]            Image      ok  [ glance(v) ]        BlockStor      ok  [ cinder(v) ]         FileStor      ok  [ manila(v) ]       ObjectStor      ok  [ swift(v) ]    Orchestration      ok  [ heat(v) ]            LBaaS      ok  [ octavia(v) ]           DNSaaS      ok  [ designate(v) ]       InstanceHa      ok  [ masakari(v) ] DisasterRecovery      ok  [ freezer(v) es235(v) ]         DataPipe      ok  [ zookeeper(v) kafka(v) ]          Metrics      ok  [ ceilometer(v) monasca(v) telegraf(v) grafana(v) ]     LogAnalytics      ok  [ filebeat(v) auditbeat(v) logstash(v) es(v) kibana(v) ]    Notifications      ok  [ influxdb(v) kapacitor(v) ]control01:cluster>

Backup storage01 policies#

From your local pc terminal

$ scp -r root@storage01_IPADDRESS:/etc/policies Downloads/storage01_policy

Shutdown storage01#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:Welcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandsstorage01> shutdownEnter 'YES' to confirm: YESConnection to closed by remote host.Connection to closed.

Adding Storage Host#

Prepare a new node with CubeOS installed


Reconfigure a new storage01 node by following any options of the list below:

Connect to controller#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '192.168.1.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Check & Repair services#

Welcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandscontrol01> clustercontrol01:cluster> check_repair          Service  Status  Report      ClusterLink      ok  [ link(v) ]  ClusterSettings      ok  [ etcd(v) ]        HaCluster      ok  [ hacluster(v) ]         MsgQueue      ok  [ rabbitmq(v) ]           IaasDb      ok  [ mysql(v) ]        VirtualIp      ok  [ vip(v) haproxy_ha(v) ]          Storage      ok  [ ceph(v) ceph_mon(v) ceph_mgr(v) ceph_mds(v) ceph_osd(v) ceph_rgw(v) ]       ApiService      ok  [ haproxy(v) apache2(v) lmi(v) memcache(v) ]          Compute      ok  [ nova(v) ]          Network      ok  [ neutron(v) ]            Image      ok  [ glance(v) ]        BlockStor      ok  [ cinder(v) ]         FileStor      ok  [ manila(v) ]       ObjectStor      ok  [ swift(v) ]    Orchestration      ok  [ heat(v) ]            LBaaS      ok  [ octavia(v) ]           DNSaaS      ok  [ designate(v) ]       InstanceHa      ok  [ masakari(v) ] DisasterRecovery      ok  [ freezer(v) es235(v) ]         DataPipe      ok  [ zookeeper(v) kafka(v) ]          Metrics      ok  [ ceilometer(v) monasca(v) telegraf(v) grafana(v) ]     LogAnalytics      ok  [ filebeat(v) auditbeat(v) logstash(v) es(v) kibana(v) ]    Notifications      ok  [ influxdb(v) kapacitor(v) ]control03:cluster>

Connect to storage01#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Check the storage status#

storage01> storagestorage01:storage> status  cluster:    id:     c6e64c49-09cf-463b-9d1c-b6645b4b3b85    health: HEALTH_OK
  services:    mon: 3 daemons, quorum control01,control02,control03    mgr: control01(active), standbys: control02, control03    mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up  {0=control01=up:active}, 2 up:standby    osd: 24 osds: 24 up, 24 in    rgw: 3 daemons active
  data:    pools:   23 pools, 1837 pgs    objects: 10.50k objects, 12.7GiB    usage:   31.6GiB used, 3.74TiB / 3.77TiB avail    pgs:     1837 active+clean
  io:    client:   42.3KiB/s rd, 49op/s rd, 0op/s wr
+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| id |    host   |  used | avail | wr ops | wr data | rd ops | rd data |   state   |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+| 0  | control01 | 2063M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 1  | control01 | 2036M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 2  | control01 | 1088M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 3  | control01 | 1088M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 4  | control02 | 1663M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 5  | control02 | 2080M |  116G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 6  | control02 | 1096M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 7  | control02 | 1096M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    4   |     0   | exists,up || 8  | control03 | 1788M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 9  | control03 | 1952M |  117G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 10 | control03 | 1096M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 11 | control03 | 1096M |  135G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 12 | compute01 | 1464M | 56.5G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 13 | compute01 | 1403M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 14 | compute01 | 1337M | 56.7G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 15 | compute01 | 1428M | 56.6G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 16 | compute01 | 1109M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 17 | compute01 | 1096M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 18 | storage01 | 1042M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 19 | storage01 | 1042M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 20 | storage01 | 1042M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 21 | storage01 | 1042M | 57.0G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 22 | storage01 | 1096M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up || 23 | storage01 | 1112M |  464G |    0   |     0   |    0   |     0   | exists,up |+----+-----------+-------+-------+--------+---------+--------+---------+-----------+
Last updated on by Roy Tan