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Version: 2.1

Control node Installation Guide

What is a Control

Control node included Control, which required compute node & storage node to ensure the full functional of CubeOS


  • Compute node (HCI)
  • [optional] Storage node

Hardware recommendation

  • 4 Core CPU or more
  • 16GB RAM or more
  • SSD with 500 GB available space (System Drive, RAID1 recommended)
  • [optional] additional HDD as storage pool (JBOD or single disk RAID0)
  • [optional] additional SSD as storage cache pool (JBOD or single disk RAID0)


Choose a setup options - Wizard

First Time Setup Options:
1: Wizard
2: Advanced
Enter index: 1

Accept the EULA

-- Welcome --
Welcome to the Cube Appliance setup wizard.
Using this setup wizard, you can:
* View and accept the Software License Agreement
* Set the appliance password
* View and configure networking

Press Enter to continue.

-- Software License Agreement --
Currently selected language: English
1: Select language for license display
2: Read Bigstack terms
3: Read non-Bigstack terms
4: Proceed to acceptance

Select option: 4

By choosing 'I agree,' you agree that (1) you have had the opportunity to
review the terms of licenses presented above and (2) such terms govern this
transaction. If you do not agree, choose 'I do not agree'.
1: I agree
2: I do not agree

Select option: 1

[Optional]Change the password

(default : admin)

-- Appliance Password --
Password changes are applied immediately.
Password has not been modified.
1: Change password
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Change Password -
Enter old password: admin
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
Password successfully changed.

Configure hostname - lowercase only

-- Host Name Configuration --
Host name: unconfigured
1: Change the host name
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Change the Host Name -
Enter the new host name: control

-- Host Name Configuration --
Host name: control
1: Change the host name
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

[Optional] Configure network bonding

if cable is connected, column [Speed] will present the status else N/A, WARNING: do not use bond0, bond1, bondx as bonding name

-- Network Bonding Settings --
Label BusID Driver State Speed
IF.1 0000:04:00.0 r8169 UP 1000F
1: Display policy
2: Configure network bonding
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

[Optional] Create VLAN

-- VLAN Settings --
Label BusID Driver State Speed
IF.1 0000:04:00.0 r8169 UP 1000F
1: Display policy
2: Configure vlan network
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

Configuare the IP address - IF.1

-- Networking Settings --
Label BusID Driver State Speed
IF.1 0000:04:00.0 r8169 UP 1000F
1: Display device status
2: Display policy
3: Configure IF.1
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 3

- Configure IF.1 -
Enter the IPv4 address:
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask:
Enter the IPv4 default gateway:

-- Networking Settings --
Label BusID Driver State Speed
IF.1 0000:04:00.0 r8169 UP 1000F
1: Display device status
2: Display policy
3: Configure IF.1
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

Setting DNS

-- DNS Configuration --
No DNS servers configured.
1: Set DNS server 1
2: Set DNS server 2
3: Set DNS server 3
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Set DNS Server 1 -
Enter the DNS server IP address:

-- DNS Configuration --
DNS server 1:
1: Set DNS server 1
2: Set DNS server 2
3: Set DNS server 3
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

Setting the timezone

[IMPORTANT] all nodes must be on the same zone and make sure all the clock/time are sync'ed

-- Time Configuration --
Time configuration changes are applied immediately.
Time Zone: America/New_York
Date: 12/02/2020
Time: 14:00:37
1: Change the time zone
2: Change the date
3: Change the time
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Change the Time Zone -
Select a continent or ocean:
1: Africa
2: Americas
3: Asia
4: Atlantic Ocean
5: Australia
6: Europe
7: Pacific Ocean
8: Etc
Enter index: 3
Select a timezone:
1: (UTC+02:00) Asia/Jerusalem
2: (UTC+03:00) Asia/Kuwait
3: (UTC+03:00) Asia/Riyadh
30: (UTC+08:00) Asia/Taipei
39: (UTC+12:00) Asia/Kamchatka
Enter index: 30

-- Time Configuration --
Time configuration changes are applied immediately.
Time Zone: Asia/Taipei
Date: 07/23/2020
Time: 17:17:36
1: Change the time zone
2: Change the date
3: Change the time
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

Configure the role - Option 5: control-network

-- Cube Role --
Current role: undef
Current Management: IF.1
Current Domain/Region: default/RegionOne
Current Cube Secret Seed: N/A
1: Change role
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: 1

- Change Role -
Select a role:
1: control
2: compute
3: storage
4: control-converged
Enter index: 1
Specify external IP/domain [optional]:
Specify management interface: IF.1
Specify storage interface [frontend(,backend)]: IF.1
Specify region ("RegionOne"):
Specify cluster secret seed: bigstack
Specify management CIDR (""):

-- Cube Role --
Current role: control
Current External IP/Domain: N/A
Current Management: IF.1
Current Storage: IF.1
Current Domain/Region: default/RegionOne
Current Cube Secret Seed: bigstack
Current Management CIDR:
1: Change role
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n

[Optional] High Availability setting

-- Cube High Availability --
Current HA setting: disabled
1: Change HA
x: Exit
p: Previous screen
n: Next screen

Select option: n


Password has not been modified.
Host name: control
Default interface.
IPv4 Mode: Manual
IPv4 Address:
IPv4 Netmask:
IPv4 Gateway:
IPv6 Mode: Automatic
DNS server 1:
Time Zone: Asia/Taipei
Date: 12/02/2020
Time: 14:00:53
Role: control
External IP/Domain: N/A
Management: IF.1
Storage: IF.1
Domain/Region: default/RegionOne
Cube Secret Seed: bigstack
Management CIDR:
High Availability: disabled
1: Accept the configuration
2: Cancel the configuration
3: Modify the configuration

Select option: 1

IMPORTANT: Please wait for the first control node apply policy complete before you continue to next node

Error message:

Policy changes could not be applied. System must be rebooted.
Press enter to continue:

Please Re-image the node, if the error message above is presented and start over the installation progress

After all nodes installation is completed:

Setting storage data replication {1/2/3}

# ssh admin@IPADDRESS

Welcome to the Cube Appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands
controller> cluster
controller:cluster> set_ready 1