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Version: 2.2

Compute node (HCI) Replacement Guide

Remove Compute node from cluster#

Stop the compute host#

Goto Admin > Compute > All Hypervisors and click Compute host tab. Look for the hostname you wish to remove and click on button DISABLE SERVICE


Disable service#

Leave a reason and click DISABLE SERVICE /assets/maintenances/02-disable.png

Service Disabled#

Make sure the service is disabled /assets/maintenances/03-disable.png

Migrate Instances from disabled host#

Goto Admin > Compute > Instances, look for the instances which is hosted on DISABLED Host and start the LIVE MIGRATE INSTANCE from the action menu


Allocate the instance to new host#

You can choose a preferred host to migrate or Automatically and SUBMIT /assets/maintenances/05-live-migrate.png


All instances has been migrated#

Repeat the steps and migrate the rest of the Instances


Connect to control node#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '192.168.1.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Remove the compute node#

control01> clustercontrol01:cluster> remove_node1: compute012: control033: compute024: control015: control02Enter index: 3this command is only applicable for compute or storage nodesmake sure its running instances have been properly terminated or migratedshutdown the target host before proceedingEnter 'YES' to confirm: YES


Goto Admin > Compute > All Hypervisors and click Compute host tab. Host compute02 has been removed from the Cluster


Backup Compute02 policies#

From your local pc terminal

$ scp -r root@Compute02_IPADDRESS:/etc/policies Downloads/compute02_policy

Shutdown the compute02#

Adding Compute Host#

Prepare a new node with CubeOS installed


Reconfigure a new compute02 node by following any options of the list below:

Connect to controller#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '192.168.1.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Check & Repair services#

Welcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandscontrol1> clustercontrol1:cluster> check          Service  Status  Report      ClusterLink      ok  [ link(v) clock(v) dns(v) ]       ClusterSys      ok  [ bootstrap(v) license(v) ]  ClusterSettings      ok  [ etcd(v) ]        HaCluster      ok  [ hacluster(v) ]         MsgQueue      ok  [ rabbitmq(v) ]           IaasDb      ok  [ mysql(v) ]        VirtualIp      ok  [ vip(v) haproxy_ha(v) ]          Storage      ok  [ ceph(v) ceph_mon(v) ceph_mgr(v) ceph_mds(v) ceph_osd(v) ceph_rgw(v) rbd_target(v) ]       ApiService      ok  [ haproxy(v) httpd(v) lmi(v) memcache(v) ]     SingleSignOn      ok  [ keycloak(v) ]          Compute      ok  [ nova(v) ]        Baremetal      ok  [ ironic(v) ]          Network      ok  [ neutron(v) ]            Image      ok  [ glance(v) ]        BlockStor      ok  [ cinder(v) ]         FileStor      ok  [ manila(v) ]       ObjectStor      ok  [ swift(v) ]    Orchestration      ok  [ heat(v) ]            LBaaS      ok  [ octavia(v) ]           DNSaaS      ok  [ designate(v) ]           K8SaaS      ok  [ k3s(v) rancher(v) ]       InstanceHa      ok  [ masakari(v) ] DisasterRecovery      ok  [ freezer(v) ]    BusinessLogic      ok  [ mistral(v) murano(v) cloudkitty(v) senlin(v) watcher(v) ]       ApiManager      ok  [ tyk(v) redis(v) mongodb(v) ]         DataPipe      ok  [ zookeeper(v) kafka(v) ]          Metrics      ok  [ monasca(v) telegraf(v) grafana(v) ]     LogAnalytics      ok  [ filebeat(v) auditbeat(v) logstash(v) es(v) kibana(v) ]    Notifications      ok  [ influxdb(v) kapacitor(v) ]control1:cluster>


Goto Admin > Compute > All Hypervisors and click Compute host tab. Host compute02 has been added back to the Cluster


Last updated on by Roy Tan