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Version: 2.1

Export Instance

How to export a Instance from CubeOS#

Connect to root shell with SSH#

$ ssh root@IPADDRESSWarning: Permanently added '192.168.X.X' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:Welcome to the Cube Appliance#

Change Dirctory to /var/support#

# cd /var/support/

Load CubeOS Credentials#

# source /etc/

List Instances#

CLI : nova list

# nova list+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+| ID                                   | Name   | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                   |+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+| fda8ff28-e42e-4457-bbc8-d7b7d016d9a5 | ubuntu | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | pub_10_32_0_0= |+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+

Stop the Instance#

CLI : nova stop <instance or UUID>

# nova stop fda8ff28-e42e-4457-bbc8-d7b7d016d9a5n+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+| ID                                   | Name   | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                   |+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+| fda8ff28-e42e-4457-bbc8-d7b7d016d9a5 | ubuntu | SHUTOFF | -          | Shutdown    | pub_10_32_0_0= |+--------------------------------------+--------+---------+------------+-------------+----------------------------+

Create Snapshot#

CLI : nova image-create --poll <instance or UUID> <snapshot-name>

# nova image-create --poll fda8ff28-e42e-4457-bbc8-d7b7d016d9a5 ubuntu_snap
Server snapshotting... 100% completeFinished

List Snapshot#

CLI: cinder snapshot-list

# cinder snapshot-list+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+------+| ID                                   | Volume ID                            | Status    | Name                         | Size |+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+------+| 4456e05a-f0d3-4726-bb15-878046384d7a | bb860f10-d6c4-444b-9a2b-c2fe9321fd2a | available | snapshot for ubuntu_snap     | 20   |+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+-----------+------------------------------+------+

Create a volume from snapshot#

CLI: cinder create --snapshot-id <snapshot-uuid> <snapshot-size-in-gb>

# cinder create --snapshot-id 4456e05a-f0d3-4726-bb15-878046384d7a 20+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Property                       | Value                                |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| attachments                    | []                                   || availability_zone              | nova                                 || bootable                       | false                                || consistencygroup_id            | None                                 || created_at                     | 2020-07-17T06:43:51.000000           || description                    | None                                 || encrypted                      | False                                || id                             | fd9920be-2d4c-491f-8b01-d0d36ea2024c || metadata                       | {}                                   || migration_status               | None                                 || multiattach                    | False                                || name                           | None                                 || os-vol-host-attr:host          | cube@ceph#ceph                       || os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None                                 || os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None                                 || os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id   | faa0d0a46f404fc89933dd05802df8fb     || replication_status             | None                                 || size                           | 20                                   || snapshot_id                    | 4456e05a-f0d3-4726-bb15-878046384d7a || source_volid                   | None                                 || status                         | creating                             || updated_at                     | 2020-07-17T06:43:51.000000           || user_id                        | 065e58ff6e824316a2b42f3f8df3dea3     || volume_type                    | None                                 |+--------------------------------+--------------------------------------+

Check Volume#

CLI: cinder list

# cinder list+--------------------------------------+-----------+------+------+-------------+----------+--------------------------------------+| ID                                   | Status    | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to                          |+--------------------------------------+-----------+------+------+-------------+----------+--------------------------------------+| fd9920be-2d4c-491f-8b01-d0d36ea2024c | available | -    | 20   | CubeStorage | true     |                                      || ebcf1ec7-8a34-4e15-bbfa-1671cf81694f | in-use    |      | 20   | CubeStorage | true     | 46d9dcdc-3233-43f9-bc1b-1f91a9ba1de3 |+--------------------------------------+-----------+------+------+-------------+----------+--------------------------------------+

Convert Volume to image#

CLI: cinder upload-to-image <volume id> <image name>

  • please wait for the convert progress complete before you proceed to next steps
    # cinder upload-to-image fd9920be-2d4c-491f-8b01-d0d36ea2024c ubuntu_export    +---------------------+--------------------------------------+    | Property            | Value                                |    +---------------------+--------------------------------------+    | container_format    | bare                                 |    | disk_format         | raw                                  |    | display_description | None                                 |    | id                  | fd9920be-2d4c-491f-8b01-d0d36ea2024c |    | image_id            | 0db015e4-857d-45f7-8b16-6703162d292d |    | image_name          | ubuntu_export                        |    | protected           | False                                |    | size                | 20                                   |    | status              | uploading                            |    | updated_at          | 2020-07-17T06:43:51.000000           |    | visibility          | shared                               |    | volume_type         | None                                 |    +---------------------+--------------------------------------+

List Images#

CLI: glance image-list

# glance image-list+--------------------------------------+-----------------------+| ID                                   | Name                  |+--------------------------------------+-----------------------+| 0db015e4-857d-45f7-8b16-6703162d292d | ubuntu_export         |+--------------------------------------+-----------------------+

Export to file#

CLI: glance image-download --file <filename>.raw <image id>

# glance image-download --file ubuntu_export.raw 0db015e4-857d-45f7-8b16-6703162d292d

Check result#

# ll -ahtotal 21Gdrwxrwsrwx  2 root www-data 4.0K Feb 26 10:55 ./drwxr-xr-x 29 root root     4.0K Feb 22 15:17 ../-rw-rw-r--  1 root www-data 5.5K Feb 22 15:18 CUBE_2.0.0_20210222-071801.391310_unconfigured.snapshot-rw-r--r--  1 root www-data 331M Feb 19 01:11 bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.vmdk-rw-r--r--  1 root www-data 1.5K Feb 23 15:06 dell-uefi.license-r--r--r--  1 root www-data  12K Feb 25 16:08 map_hex_cli.3875489-r--r--r--  1 root www-data  12K Feb 22 15:18 map_hex_firsttime.3305-rw-r--r--  1 root www-data  20G Feb 26 10:54 ubuntu_export.raw

[optional] Convert to VHD#

# qemu-img convert -f raw -o subformat=fixed,force_size -O vpc ubuntu_export.raw ubuntu_export.vhd
Last updated on by Roy Tan