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Version: 2.0

Override backup endpoint


  • cluster1 - IP:
  • New Cube Storage endpoint - IP:

cluster1: CLI > cluster > check

cluster1:cluster> check
Service Status Report
ClusterLink ok [ link(v) ]
ClusterSettings ok [ etcd(v) ]
HaCluster ok [ hacluster(v) ]
MsgQueue ok [ rabbitmq(v) ]
IaasDb ok [ mysql(v) ]
VirtualIp ok [ vip(v) haproxy_ha(v) ]
Storage ok [ ceph(v) ceph_mon(v) ceph_mgr(v) ceph_mds(v) ceph_osd(v) ceph_rgw(v) rbd_target(v) ]
ApiService ok [ haproxy(v) httpd(v) lmi(v) memcache(v) ]
SingleSignOn ok [ keycloak(v) ]
Compute ok [ nova(v) ]
Baremetal ok [ ironic(v) ]
Network ok [ neutron(v) ]
Image ok [ glance(v) ]
BlockStor ok [ cinder(v) ]
FileStor ok [ manila(v) ]
ObjectStor ok [ swift(v) ]
Orchestration ok [ heat(v) ]
LBaaS ok [ octavia(v) ]
DNSaaS ok [ designate(v) ]
K8SaaS ok [ k3s(v) rancher(v) ]
InstanceHa ok [ masakari(v) ]
DisasterRecovery ok [ freezer(v) ]
BusinessLogic ok [ mistral(v) murano(v) cloudkitty(v) ]
DataPipe ok [ zookeeper(v) kafka(v) ]
Metrics ok [ monasca(v) telegraf(v) grafana(v) ]
LogAnalytics ok [ filebeat(v) auditbeat(v) logstash(v) es(v) kibana(v) ]
Notifications ok [ influxdb(v) kapacitor(v) ]

Check for availble tuning

CLI > tuning > dump

cluster1:tuning> dump

Published Tunings
Name Description Default|Min|Max
cinder.backup.override Enable override cinder backup configurations. [False]
cinder.backup.type Set cinder backup storage type <cube-storage|cube-swift>. ["" (Any)]
cinder.backup.endpoint Set cinder backup storage endpoint. ["" (Any)]
cinder.backup.account Set cinder backup storage account. ["" (Any)]
cinder.backup.secret Set cinder backup storage account secret. ["" (Any)]
cinder.backup.pool Set cinder backup storage pool. ["" (Any)]

configure tuning - cinder.backup.override

CLI > tuning > configure

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.override
Enter tuning value: true
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.override = true (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true

configure tuning - cinder.backup.endpoint

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.endpoint
Enter tuning value:
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.endpoint = (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint

configure tuning - cinder.backup.secret

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.secret
Enter tuning value: admin
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.account = admin (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin

configure tuning - type (cube-storage|cube-swift)

cinder.backup.type - cube-storage

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.type
Enter tuning value: cube-storage
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.account = admin (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-storage

apply tuning - cube-storage

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 2
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.account admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-storage
Apply the changes?
Enter 'YES' to confirm: YES
Applying policy changes.
Policy changes were successfully applied.

Create a backup from a volume

/assets/volumes/stor-4.png /assets/volumes/stor-5.png /assets/volumes/stor-6.png

Verify we are using a remote ceph backend for cinder backup

# cat /etc/cinder/ceph_backup.conf
# minimal ceph.conf for c6e64c49-09cf-463b-9d1c-b6645b4b3b85
fsid = c6e64c49-09cf-463b-9d1c-b6645b4b3b85
mon_host = [v2:,v1:]
rbd concurrent management ops = 20
auth cluster required = none
auth service required = none
auth client required = none

Verify volume backup actually created in the ceph backend

❯ ssh root@
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to the Cube Appliance
Last login: Fri May 21 09:37:50 2021 from
# rbd ls volume-backups

cinder.backup.type - cube-swift

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.type
Enter tuning value: cube-swift
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.account = admin (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-swift


1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.account
Enter tuning value: admin
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.account = admin (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-swift
[x] cinder.backup.account admin


1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 1
Select action:
1: Add
2: Delete
3: Update
Enter index: 1
Enter tuning name: cinder.backup.pool
Enter tuning value: admin
Enable the tuning:
1: Enabled
2: Disabled
Enter index: 1

Adding tuning: cinder.backup.pool = admin (Enabled)
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-swift
[x] cinder.backup.account admin
[x] cinder.backup.pool admin

apply tuning - cube-swift

1: modify tunings
2: apply
3: exit
Enter index: 2
enabled name value
[x] cinder.backup.override true
[x] cinder.backup.endpoint
[x] cinder.backup.secret admin
[x] cinder.backup.type cube-swift
[x] cinder.backup.account admin
[x] cinder.backup.pool admin
Apply the changes?
Enter 'YES' to confirm: YES
Applying policy changes.
Policy changes were successfully applied.

Create a backup from a volume


Login to another Cube Storage node and check from object store
