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Version: 2.5

Import image(CLI)

Download image

You can easily download Cloud Images from Our webiste, Go to Downloads

Upload image over SCP or winscp

scp Ubuntu-22.04-amd64.vmdk root@IPADDRESS:/mnt/cephfs/glance/.

Import image with cli

Connect to cli with terminal or putty

$ ssh admin@IPADDRESS
Warning: Permanently added '192.168.X.X' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to the Cube Appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands

Import image as an image

controller> image
controller:image> import
1: usb
2: local
Enter index: 2
1: ubuntu2204.qcow2
Enter index: 1
Specify image name: ubuntu2204
Select domain:
1: default
Enter index: 1
Select tenant:
1: admin
Enter index: 1
1: public
2: private
Enter index: 1
Bootable image or volume:
1: glance-images
2: cinder-volumes
Enter index: 1
[10:58:57] Converting image to RAW format ...
[10:59:00] Calculating RAW image checksum ... 5d971e656e3fdac6b27650c13c953d14 (MD5)
[10:59:21] Creating image ubuntu2204 ...
[11:00:25] Validating checksum: OK
Importing ubuntu2204 complete. It is safe to remove the local image file

(New) Import image as a volume

Please select cinder-volumes, if you want to import as a volume for specific project.

    Bootable image or volume:
1: glance-images
2: cinder-volumes
Enter index: 2

Migration from VMware/Hyper-V images

For VMware/Hyper-V images, please use the CLI command import_efi instead of import for optimized configuration. More details.