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Version: 2.5

Create a tenant sharing


USB storage devices are blocked by default. If accessing USB devices is needed, please set the tuning option cubesys.probeusb to true using CLI > tuning > configure after logging in as admin.

Create a share server and share its volumes using NFS/CIFS with others VM on the same network


  • upload manila-service-image-master.qcow2 to /mnt/cephfs/glance
  • import with cli import_fs
    controller> image
    controller:image> import_fs
    1: usb
    2: local
    Enter index: 2
    1: manila-service-image-master.qcow2

Create a Share network



Create a Share - tenant share type


  • Create a share protocol NFS or cifs
  • Share Size = 10GB
  • Share Type = tenant_share_type
  • Share network = share_network


Create a Rules

Click on the dropdown button from Actions and select manage rules


add rule


Enter the IP address of VM




Mount the share on VM

ssh to your instances

❯ ssh [email protected]
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[optional-ubuntu] install nfs-common

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ sudo apt install nfs-common -y

create a folder

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ mkdir nfs-share

mount up

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ sudo mount -t nfs nfs-share/

check connectivity

ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ ls nfs-share/
ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ touch nfs-share/
ubuntu@ubuntu18:~$ ls nfs-share/ lost+found