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Version: 2.4

Cube.COS installation

Cube.COS come with 3 types of installation method:#

  • img, USB Flash Drive
  • iso, BMC Virtual Media or DVD Media
  • PXE server bootable media (img/iso)


Login to Cube Appliance Installer with username : admin and password : admin

uefi-installer login: adminPassword: adminWelcome to the Cube Appliance InstallerWelcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandsuefi-installer>

1. Restore Image#

To install Cube.COS, simply type in CLI restore and select the target disk that you wish to install

Welcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandsuefi-installer> restore1: sda      744.6G   PERC2: sdb      5.1T     PERC3: sdc      5.1T     PERCEnter index: 1Restoring CUBE_2.2.4_20220427-1747_191d9fdd on /dev/sdaEnter 'YES' to confirm: YESStarting restore...Partitioning diskFormatting boot partitionFormatting swap partitionFormatting partition 1Installing CUBE_2.2.4_20220427-1747_191d9fddFormatting system storage partitionRunning install scriptInstalling postinstall scriptCreating backup partition 2Formatting partition 2Installing CUBE_2.2.4_20220427-1747_191d9fddRunning install scriptInstalling postinstall scriptFormatting data storage partitionFinished installing. Please remove media if required and reboot appliance.

2. Reboot#

uefi-installer> rebootEnter 'YES' to confirm: YES


Error : No images found#

Welcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandsuefi-installer> restorehex_install: Error: No images foundUnexpected erroruefi-installer>

Switch to root shell#

login with username: root and password: admin

uefi-installer>exituefi-installer login: rootPassword: adminLast login: Mon Jul 11 06:49:03 on ttyS0Welcome to the Cube Appliance Installer#

Check the mount point#


Manually mount#

# mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/install# lsblkNAME   MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTsda      8:0    0 744.6G  0 disk├─sda1   8:1    0  1000M  0 part├─sda2   8:2    0     2G  0 part├─sda5   8:5    0 357.4G  0 part├─sda6   8:6    0 357.4G  0 part└─sda7   8:7    0  26.9G  0 partsdb      8:16   0   5.1T  0 disk├─sdb1   8:17   0   400M  0 part├─sdb2   8:18   0   400M  0 part├─sdb3   8:19   0   2.6T  0 part└─sdb4   8:20   0   2.6T  0 partsdc      8:32   0   5.1T  0 disk├─sdc1   8:33   0   400M  0 part├─sdc2   8:34   0   400M  0 part├─sdc3   8:35   0   2.6T  0 part└─sdc4   8:36   0   2.6T  0 partsdd      8:48   1  28.7G  0 disk└─sdd1   8:49   1   5.7G  0 part /mnt/installsr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 romsr1     11:1    1  1024M  0 rom

Switch back to admin CLI and follow the steps 1 and begin the installation

# su adminWelcome to the Cube Appliance InstallerWelcome to the Cube ApplianceEnter "help" for a list of available commandsuefi-installer>
Last updated on by Roy Tan