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Version: 2.4

How to repair Cube.COS services?

Connect to console#

$ ssh [email protected]Warning: Permanently added '192.168.1.x' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.Password:

Repair the failed Services#

CLI: cluster> check_repair

controller> cluster check_repair          Service  Status  Report      ClusterLink      ok  [ link(v) clock(v) dns(v) ]       ClusterSys      ok  [ bootstrap(v) license(v) ]  ClusterSettings      ok  [ etcd(v) ]        HaCluster  FIXING  [ hacluster(3) ]                       ok  [ hacluster(f) ]         MsgQueue      ok  [ rabbitmq(v) ]           IaasDb      ok  [ mysql(v) ]        VirtualIp      ok  [ vip(v) haproxy_ha(v) ]          Storage      ok  [ ceph(v) ceph_mon(v) ceph_mgr(v) ceph_mds(v) ceph_osd(v) ceph_rgw(v) rbd_target(v) ]       ApiService      ok  [ haproxy(v) httpd(v) lmi(v) memcache(v) ]     SingleSignOn      ok  [ keycloak(v) ]          Compute  FIXING  [ nova(8) ]                       ok  [ nova(f) ]        Baremetal      ok  [ ironic(v) ]          Network  FIXING  [ neutron(3) ]                       ok  [ neutron(f) ]            Image      ok  [ glance(v) ]        BlockStor      ok  [ cinder(v) ]         FileStor      ok  [ manila(v) ]       ObjectStor      ok  [ swift(v) ]    Orchestration      ok  [ heat(v) ]            LBaaS      ok  [ octavia(v) ]           DNSaaS      ok  [ designate(v) ]           K8SaaS      ok  [ k3s(v) rancher(v) ]       InstanceHa      ok  [ masakari(v) ]    BusinessLogic      ok  [ senlin(v) watcher(v) ]         DataPipe      ok  [ zookeeper(v) kafka(v) ]          Metrics      ok  [ monasca(v) telegraf(v) grafana(v) ]     LogAnalytics      ok  [ filebeat(v) auditbeat(v) logstash(v) es(v) kibana(v) ]    Notifications      ok  [ influxdb(v) kapacitor(v) ]
Last updated on by Roy Tan