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Version: 2.4

Check Network Information

Check your network interface information before installation with CLI hex_sdk -v DumpInterface

ssh root@IPADDRESSPassword:Welcome to the Cube ApplianceLast login: Wed Feb 14 05:26:05 2022 from 192.168.1.x# hex_sdk -v DumpInterface--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     Dev    Label        DevID/Cfg   BusID/Slaves               HWAddr     Driver  Link  State    Speed--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    eth0     IF.1        15b3.1015   0000:13:00.0    88:e9:a4:28:f4:10  mlx5_core   yes     UP   10000F    eth1     IF.2        15b3.1015   0000:13:00.1    88:e9:a4:28:f4:11  mlx5_core   yes     UP   10000F    eth2     IF.3        8086.1521   0000:5d:00.0    d4:f5:ef:50:c7:34        igb    no   DOWN      N/A    eth3     IF.4        8086.1521   0000:5d:00.1    d4:f5:ef:50:c7:35        igb    no   DOWN      N/A    eth4     IF.5        8086.1521   0000:5d:00.2    d4:f5:ef:50:c7:36        igb   yes   DOWN    1000F    eth5     IF.6        8086.1521   0000:5d:00.3    d4:f5:ef:50:c7:37        igb   yes   DOWN    1000F    eth6     IF.7        15b3.1015   0000:af:00.0    88:e9:a4:28:e4:e0  mlx5_core   yes     UP   25000F    eth7     IF.8        15b3.1015   0000:af:00.1    88:e9:a4:28:e4:e1  mlx5_core   yes     UP   25000F    eth8     IF.9        15b3.1015   0000:b0:00.0    88:e9:a4:28:e4:70  mlx5_core   yes     UP   10000F    eth9    IF.10        15b3.1015   0000:b0:00.1    88:e9:a4:28:e4:71  mlx5_core    no     UP      N/A    data     data    fast,layer3+4      eth6,eth7    88:e9:a4:28:e4:e0    802.3ad   yes     UP   50000F     ext      ext    fast,layer3+4      eth8,eth9    88:e9:a4:28:e4:70    802.3ad   yes     UP   10000F    mgmt     mgmt    fast,layer3+4      eth0,eth1    88:e9:a4:28:f4:10    802.3ad   yes     UP   20000F--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last updated on by Roy Tan